Monday, 21 January 2013

Saul Bass Quotes

As our next project, we were each given a 'design hero' which we were to re-brand through a set of tasks over the 4 weeks of the project. I chose Saul Bass from the hat who I originally had not heard of however after a bit of research, I was familiar with his work. He was an American Graphic Designer who was best known for his design of film posters and film credits. I found a quote of his which I found very inspirational and something that I can definitely relate to.

"Learn to draw! If you don't, you're going to live your life getting around that and trying to compensate for that."

After reading this, I decided that it is probably time for me to learn to draw. I am definitely a culprit of this and always find myself trying to create designs using anything but drawing when it would really help me. People say that the only way to learn is by practising so I am definitely going to do more drawing in my spare time. 

Wednesday, 16 January 2013

Snow in Notts

On Monday we woke up to a sprinkling of snow in Notts and then it snowed throughout most of the day. Although it did not settle very quickly, it has stayed below freezing most of the time and the majority of Notts has turned to ice. I went for a walk in the Arboretum and Grave Yard yesterday afternoon to take some photos of the snow and ice that was remaining. 

Frozen pond in the Arboretum 

Waverly Building - My uni building

Grave Yard

Monday, 7 January 2013

Typography - Face

Whilst playing around with Illustrator after getting my new MacBook Pro over the Christmas break, I decided to experiment with some of my own work which really helped me to get to grips with the program. I created my face using only letters and although it does not look a whole lot like me, I think that the idea worked quite well. I plan to try to create another at some point which will hopefully be more successful as my skills improve. 

Introduction work

After being accepted on to the course we received a brief that we were to complete before starting at NTU. This stated that we were to create a piece of design work which reflected ourselves and showed our new tutors and peers who we were. We were instructed to do this in any way we liked using any mediums we felt comfortable with. I created a collage with photos, pieces of material, magazine cuttings and words. At the time, I was not overly impressed with my piece of design work however without access to Illustrator or any other computer program, it was difficult to create the effect which I had imagined. Over the Christmas holidays however, I decided to create a new piece of work for this brief. I had access to Photoshop and Illustrator which helped me to create something I was happy with. I used only words as I like the way that they can explain so much in such a simple way. 

Tuesday, 1 January 2013

Phrases and Sayings

My Christmas break at home is almost over and although I did not have any specific work to do, I have completed some design work of my own. I recently bought myself a MacBook Pro and CS6 which I had wanted to buy for a very long time. It is definitely worth every single penny that I spent on it and will be so useful when I get back to uni especially. Drawing inspiration from the typography project we completed in the first term, I chose some phrases and sayings which I liked and looked at the composition of the words and choice of typefaces.