Monday, 25 March 2013

Penguin Book Cover Competition Brief

For the last 3 weeks of term we all took part in the Penguin Book Cover Competition. As it is a competition brief, I am not going to blog any of my work until I have submitted it. 

Saturday, 16 March 2013

Website Design

This was a four week project in which we had to design a website for a hobby or interest of our choice. As I don't have any specific hobbies, I decided to think outside the box and create something a bit different. I chose to design my website on the theme of 'things that annoy me'. Although this sounds quite miserable, I wanted it to be light hearted and amusing. I firstly created a mood board.

As I didn't have a specific theme as such, it was difficult to decide on the imagery that would be on the website so I started designing some logos.

I then went on to create the final designs for the website. I designed 6 different pages and transferred some of them into an tablet and phone format. 

For the home page, I chose to create a small clip in After Effects that would be played on loop whilst on the page. I used cartoon images of flies as they are in keeping with the 'annoying' theme and making them cartoon keeps the idea light hearted and humorous.