Saturday, 3 November 2012

A sense of place

On the first week of our course, we were set a group project to be completed with the other members of our tutorial group. Each group was allocated a different area or site in Nottingham and we were all given the brief, 'through observation, visual analysis and recording of information, investigate the specific location allocated to you.' My group had been given the mainline train station. Initially we chose to do some background research before visiting the site as we felt that being aware of the history and other aspects would be important groundings for the project. We then went on to visit the train station taking photos and observational drawings as well as collecting leaflets and anything else we felt may help us. 

 I started to collate my research in my sketchbook and added some of my previously taken photos. I did a brain storm of all the things that I felt were prominent aspects of the station. 

I began to look the the common theme of 'time' in more detail as I felt that this was the most important feature at the station. I experimented with clocks as well as looking at other aspects of time starting from 1848 when the station was originally built. 

I wrote out some of the announcements which are spoken over the intercom at the station. I played around with typefaces and composition of the statements as well as creating my own typefaces composing the letters out of various parts of the photos I had taken of the station. 

By this time I had several ideas so experimented with different compositions and came to a final piece which I felt best represented the station and fulfilled my brief. 

My ideas all used a similar style however after talking to members of my group, I felt that my final idea was the most appropriate and fit the brief fully. 

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